RFC 2523 (rfc2523) - Page 2 of 19

Photuris: Extended Schemes and Attributes

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RFC 2523                 Schemes and Attributes               March 1999

         Key-Generation-Function     "MD5 Hash"
         Privacy-Method              "Simple Masking"
         Validity-Method             "MD5-IPMAC Check"

         This combination of features requires a modulus with at least
         64-bits of cryptographic strength.

   (6)   Implementation Optional.  Any modulus (p) with a recommended
         generator (g) of 3.  When the Exchange-Scheme Size is non-zero,
         the modulus is contained in the Exchange-Scheme Value field in
         the list of Offered-Schemes.

         When the Exchange-Scheme Size field is zero, includes by
         reference all of the moduli specified in the list of Offered-
         Schemes for Scheme #3.

         Key-Generation-Function     "MD5 Hash"
         Privacy-Method              "DES-CBC over Mask"
         Validity-Method             "MD5-IPMAC Check"

         This combination of features requires a modulus with at least
         64-bits of cryptographic strength.

   (7)   Implementation Optional.  Any modulus (p) with a variable
         generator (g).  When the Exchange-Scheme Size is non-zero, the
         pair [g,p] is contained in the Exchange-Scheme Value field in
         the list of Offered-Schemes.  Each is encoded in a separate
         Variable Precision Integer (VPI).  The generator VPI is
         followed by (concatenated to) the modulus VPI, and the result
         is nested inside the Exchange-Scheme Value field.

         An Exchange-Scheme Size of zero is invalid.

         Key-Generation-Function     "MD5 Hash"
         Privacy-Method              "Simple Masking"
         Validity-Method             "MD5-IPMAC Check"

         This combination of features requires a modulus with at least
         64-bits of cryptographic strength.

         When more than one modulus is specified for a given kind of
         Scheme, the Size of the modulus MUST be unique, independent of
         the Size of the generator.

   (8)   Implementation Optional.  Any modulus (p) with a recommended
         generator (g) of 2.  When the Exchange-Scheme Size is non-zero,
         the modulus is contained in the Exchange-Scheme Value field in

Karn & Simpson                Experimental